Wraith form of Undead Broukolak

(Generated 24 times)
Namelist Byzantine males and females (View names)
Rank Skilled
Race Spirit
Cult rank None
Notes RQ6 PG 412. A wraith that manifests is capable of physically harming mortal foes but remains intangible to physical attacks, and is vulnerable only to magic. A wraith has only one hit location. Reducing its Magic Points to zero temporarily drives the creature back to the Spirit World for 24 hours, after which its Magic Points fully regenerate. The only way to permanently destroy a wraith is to pursue it into the Spirit World, and destroy it there. Cunning wraiths sometimes recognise animists, and withdraw from combat early in order to preserve their Magic Points for potential Spirit Combat. It is typical for a wraith to manifest as it appeared in life, displaying its arms, and armour. They fight using their Spectral Combat skill inflicting their Spirit Damage on a successful attack. The armour a wraith manifests has an Armour Point value equal to its Intensity, but since wraiths are intangible to physical objects, these Armour Points only block magical damage. Wraith attacks are as intangible as the wraith itself, so unless parrying with a magically enhanced weapon any blow the wraith inflicts passes through the defending weapon, and armour. Magical Armour Points reduce the wraith’s Spirit Damage by the magic’s intensity. Wraith weapons inflict a chilling, insidious form of damage which makes the wounds they inflict turn black with necrosis. Such wounds never recover naturally, but require magic to heal. Should a wraith’s opponents not possess magically enhanced weapons, the spirit treats any parry as being an automatic failure, allowing the spirit the opportunity to generate Special Effects: being impaled by a wraith dagger is every bit as nasty as being impaled by a real one. Otherwise combat proceeds as normal save that cunning wraiths will sometimes attack through an ostensibly solid object to catch an opponent by surprise.
INT 2d6+6
POW 12+1d6
CHA 2d6+6
D20Hit locationArmor
Movement 6
Natural armor No

Non-random features

Ability ***Immunity to non magical weapons***

Standard skills

Spectral combat POW+CHA+50 Willpower POW+POW+50