Rannagul Animist Practitioner

(Generated 0 times)
Namelist None
Rank Novice
Race Cult
Cult rank Dedicated
Notes The Rannagul tribes of the Saradian Coasts learned how to speak with the spirits of the animals and the land from Grandmother Tyo through her granddaughter Atuo.
D20Hit locationArmor
Movement 6
Natural armor No

Standard skills

Combat styles


Amount: 1
Earth Spirit Intensity 1 1
Earth Spirit Intensity 2 1
Nature Spirit (Ash Deer) - intensity 1 1
Nature Spirit (Ash Deer) - intensity 3 1
Nature Spirit (Condor spirit) - intensity 2 1
Nature Spirit (Hakkar) - intensity 1 1
Nature Spirit (Hakkar) - intensity 2 1
Nature Spirit (Mountain goat) - intensity 1 1
Nature Spirit (Mountain goat) - intensity 2 1
Water Spirit Intensity 1 1
Water Spirit Intensity 2 1